
Reach the Heart of Public Safety: Become an APCO Staffing Summit Sponsor Today!

The APCO Staffing Summit is a groundbreaking event dedicated to addressing one of the most pressing challenges facing public safety agencies today: staffing shortages. This summit brings together leaders and experts from across the public safety spectrum to collaborate, innovate and strategize solutions to the staffing crisis.

October 22-24, 2024 | Fort Worth, TX

Who Attends:

  • 9-1-1 emergency communications professionals, law enforcement executives, state and local government leaders, and human resource leaders
  • Total Attendance: 261
    • Titles include: operation supervisors, communication directors, consultants, managers, senior analysts, dispatchers, training & compliance managers, recruiters, and human resource & professional standards managers
  • States Represented: 37+ states represented plus Canada

As sponsor, you’ll gain unparalleled access to this influential network, positioning your brand at the forefront of public safety innovation and service. Your support enables us to unite professionals in collaborative efforts, driving forward the advancement of public safety communications. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your brand and make a tangible impact on public safety. Contact us to explore sponsorship opportunities and ignite meaningful connections with our dedicated members.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Breakfast & Morning Sessions Sponsor (two available $12,500 each)
Includes a 5-minute welcome including opportunity to play video, introduction of keynote speaker (if applicable), introduction of 2-3 morning sessions/panels and opportunity to place handout on each attendee chair.

Lunch & Afternoon Session Sponsor (two available $15,000 each)
Includes 5-minute welcome including opportunity to play video, introduction of keynote speaker (if applicable), introduction of 2-3 afternoon sessions/panels and opportunity to place handout on each attendee chair.

Welcome Reception (one available $15,000)
Includes logo on tent cards and napkins and specialty cocktails.

Venue Sponsor (one available $15,000)
Includes door hanger, room drops (sponsor has to provide item) and hotel key cards.

Valet Parking Sponsor (one available $15,000)
Includes placement of promotional items inside car (sponsor provides), recognition on button on valet shirts, and logo sticker on return tickets.

Wi-Fi and Mobile App Sponsor (one available $7,500)
Includes logo on landing page of Wi-Fi access point, logo within mobile app and 2 push notifications.

Break Sponsor (two available $7,500 each)
Includes logo on coffee sleeves and napkins.

Hydration Station (one available $5,000)
Includes water station in the afternoon and logo on water bottle.

Attendee Bag Sponsor (one available $5,000)
Includes logo on attendee bag.

Registration Sponsor (one available $2,500)
Includes logo on lanyard.

Notebook Sponsor (one available $2,500)
Includes logo on notebook.

Raffle Sponsor ($250) only available to sponsors
Recognition as raffle sponsor, sponsor provides item and value of donation, attendee business cards are collected at sponsor tabletop and sponsor representative gets to draw name of winner on stage and present raffle gift. Sponsor keeps business cards collected.

Let’s Get Creative – Explore a customized package to fit the needs of your company and gain access to the following benefits:

Diamond – $15,000 +
Designed for a world leading organization, this prestigious package offers complete visibility across the entire event.

Platinum – $10,000 – $14,999
The platinum packages offer excellent positioning and opportunities for six industry leading organizations to bring their brand to the next level.

Gold – $7,500 – $9,999
Participation as a Gold Sponsor provides your company with an excellent way to raise your profile to key purchasers.

Silver – $5,000 – $7,499
The Silver Package offers your company the opportunity to network and present to key decision makers.

Bronze – $2,500 – $4,999
A Bronze Sponsorship shows your company’s dedication and commitment to the public safety community.

Event Supporter – $2,499 and under
Highlight your brand, even on a budget, to further your return on investment.

Level Up on Your Sponsorship Opportunities
Staffing Summit sponsors are given exclusive benefits and recognition commensurate with their total level of participation.

  Diamond Platinum Gold  Silver Bronze Supporter
Logo on event website
Logo listed as sponsor by level wherever sponsors are collectively listed
Acknowledgement as (Level) sponsor during opening and closing remarks
Company description and web address on sponsor webpage on event
Company logo in sponsor slideshow shown throughout event
Tabletop display  
Registration comps to register personnel 4 3 2 1    
1 Bag stuffer (sponsor provides)      
1 pre-event email sent to registered attendees (sponsor provides)      
1 dedicated social media post (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram)        
1 post-event email sent to registered attendees (sponsor provides)          
1 dedicated attendee survey question           
1 email banner ad with hyperlink in marketing email to prospects          

Don’t miss out! Contact Jaya Dillard at 386-944-2478 or dillardj@apcointl.org for all sponsorship and advertising opportunities.